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Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church has a rich history dating back over 100 years. Zion is the oldest congregation of the Florida/Georgia District in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). We are a confessional, liturgical congregation that values traditional worship and biblical teaching. Our church has grown over the years, and we give all thanks and praise to God. 


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The Beginning


Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church began in 1885 as a body of Lutheran Christians meeting in homes in Gotha, FL. Then, in 1891, Zion was formally organized by Rev. Carl Brommer. By 1894, the congregation (served by Ed Fischer) had grown to 80 members and started a small school. Unfortunately, the Great Freeze of 1896 destroyed many of the groves throughout Central Florida, and thousands had to leave to find work and survive. As the citrus industry recovered, so did the growth of Zion. With the onset of World War I, "Lutheran" became a synonym for "German." German-language services were discontinued, and the school was closed. Rev. George Trapp and the congregation were targeted for hate crimes and vandalism, but the mission remained. 

In the 1920s, the railroad brought developers and investors and business expansion. However, the post-war boom bypassed the Gotha community. The congregation decided to relocate to Pine Hills, and by 1958, a new sanctuary and education buildings had been completed.  In 1961, Zion started a kindergarten, which soon had an enrollment of sixty. In 1971, the kindergarten was discontinued, but over the next 14 years, the congregation grew to an all-time high of 450 members.  A bigger church had to be built, and the school was reopened, but the added financial obligations overtaxed the congregation's resources, and membership started to decline.  

The New 



New programs were developed for the rapidly changing, culturally diverse community, but despite efforts, it was decided in the early 1990s to close the school. In 1995, the congregation joined a Churches in Transition program. In 2000, the congregation, led by Reverend Paul M. Foust, sold its property in Pine Hills and bought 18 acres in the rapidly growing West Orange area. The congregation moved back to the old church in Gotha.  Then, for the next eight years, the congregation worked to start again in Winter Garden. In November 2008, with just 42 members, the church opened the doors of its new child development center at 16161 Marsh Road Winter Garden. With the new mission, the church adopted the name Zion New Life to signify the new life in Christ gained when we Share His Incredible News Everywhere (S.H.I.N.E.). In the Fall of 2013, Reverend Paul M. Foust retired, and Reverend Robert Weikart served as the interim pastor. Zion decided to Call a first-year pastor from the Seminary.

Present Day


On April 30th, 2014, they Called Pastoral Candidate Roberto Rojas, Jr. from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN. On July 27th, 2014, he was Ordained into the Office of the Holy Ministry to pastor Zion New Life Lutheran Church. In the summer of 2014, Zion received a donation of 100 Lutheran Service Book Hymnals. Rev. Roberto E. Rojas, Jr. brought Zion back to their historical roots of the Christian Church, the Lutheran Reformation, and Zion's beginnings. With God's help, he reintroduced the Historic One-Year Lectionary, the Christian Lutheran Liturgy, and the Historic and Biblical Practice of Closed Communion. During Thanksgiving of 2014, Zion received a donation to complete the building of two new classrooms for the preschool.  In August 2015, the classrooms were blessed, and the doors were opened just in time for the 2015-2016 school year. 


In the Winter of 2015, a member of Zion donated a brand new Communion Set to Zion in memory of a loved one. In the spring of 2016, a congregation member donated his time, talents, and energy to designing, constructing, and giving an Altar Rail to Zion. He created it in his own home and gave it as a gift to the church. Other members of Zion came together and donated their time and talents to create a cushion and upholster it for the Altar Rail. Pastor Rojas helped in the process and made the crucifixes at the end of the Altar Rails and a Crucifix for the Pulpit. 


In the spring of 2016, Zion received Liturgical Furnishings from Esperanza Viva Lutheran Church in Orlando, FL. Pastor Rojas and some members of Zion transported the furnishings from the storage unit to Zion's Chancel area. Zion received a newer, larger Altar, a larger Pulpit, a Lectern, Flower Stands, and an 8-foot Cross. In the fall of 2016, Zion received a donation from some members of Zion and the Zion Quilters. They donated a new Altar Linen and a new set of Paraments (Liturgical Cloths) for the Chancel Area. 


In January 2017, Zion raised funds to purchase a new set of speakers, microphones, a CD-Duplicator, and Hauptwerk, a Virtual Organ System. In April 2017, Zion voted to change its old logo and adopt a new one that reflects its nature and values in one succinct image. Also, Zion voted to adopt a new slogan for the Church: "God's Truth For You" and change its name to "Zion Lutheran Church & School."


In January 2018, Zion received a generous donation of a used Organ to be used at Zion. In February, Zion also began recording the sermons and uploading them online for all to hear. In May 2018, Zion Lutheran Church & School hired a new Director for the preschool. During the summer months, Zion worked tirelessly on growing staff, hiring teachers, and improving the quality of its preschool. Over the next two years, Zion's school saw improvements in organization. The church resolved to turn Zion into a genuinely Lutheran school; however, the school could not fill the classrooms with Lutheran teachers to teach Lutheran doctrine. The church concentrated on making this a reality. 


However, in March 2020, the breakout of COVID-19 led governments to impose a two-week mandate to prohibit all gatherings of more than ten people. While the church continued to meet during these two weeks in small church services, the school had to close its doors. With the fear of infection and disease, the school chose to remain closed for the remainder of the 2020 school year. The congregation met through the next few months and then opened up and held services as usual beginning May 2020. The school closing caused Zion financial hardship. In the summer of 2020, Rev. Roberto E. Rojas, Jr. completed his Masters of Sacred Theology (STM) from the Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN, and was awarded an STM on August 5, 2020. While the church continued to meet through the summer, Zion's leadership chose to reopen the school again in August 2020. However, many families decided to keep their children at home, and enrollment numbers were down. Zion continued to pay staff despite little to no income.

The congregation chose to meet together

to come up with solutions to the inevitable financial crisis. The church came up with four viable options. The congregation presented and discussed all possibilities from September to November 2020. After all viewpoints were made and spoken to, the congregation met on Sunday, November 8, 2020. They took a silent vote on paper ballots, and 90% of the congregation supported option A to divide Zion's property, sell the facility, and build a sanctuary on the remaining acreage. The congregation created a committee to sell the facility in that meeting. Later, the congregation also created a building committee to oversee the construction of the new sanctuary.

In early 2021, the committee found a buyer for the existing facility. In October 2021, Zion closed on the sale, paid off their inherited debt, and was debt-free for the first time since 2008. During this time, for all legal matters, since Zion had to use their official name, zion returned to the use of their original name: Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church. The building committee collected ideas and input from the congregation. The building committee worked with McCree General Contractors and Architects and designed a traditional sanctuary at the congregation's request. On Sunday, January 9, 2022, Zion held a groundbreaking service on the site of the future sanctuary. 

Zion held a Sanctuary Dedication Service on Friday, February 17, 2023. Rev. Rod Zwonitzer was the preacher; Rev. Roberto Rojas, the Liturgist; Rev. Larry Beane, the Crucifer and Lector; Rev. Dr. Paul Grime, the Organist. 


"For the LORD has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His dwelling place. 'This is my resting place forever; here I will dwell, for I have desired it.'"

Psalm 132:13–14

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